Test & Simulation Systems
Skytechnology provides solutions able to check devices against physical and functional requirements. The test bench are equipped both by cots and by custom HW and are CE certified. The line also develops functional models to integrate into test bench, realizing rapid prototyping systems. We cooperate with the customers to analyze the system requirements and tailor the test applications, based on detailed requirements documents, formal test plan and test procedure documents.
Skytechnology designs, realizes and deploys:
- PC-controlled instrumentation-based systems
- All analysis, operations and formal documents involved to validate the Device Under Test (DUT)
According the standard adopted, a relevant projects activity is the production of the documents that certify each workflow phase. So, requirements, architectural, interface documents are realized, and it is guaranteed the feasibility coverage and traceability against test plan and procedure documents.
Test Systems
Skytechnology realizes the whole test bench end masters all the needed competences (software, mechanics, electronics, electromechanics, and hydraulics).
Skytechnology delegates to third party suppliers the manufacture and the assembly activities (PCB, boards, Switchboards, mechanics, Wirings, etc…).
Skytechnology may provide, if requested, the validation of the System, accordingly the reference standards.
Typically applications are:
- Data acquisition and control systems
- Test Benches for functional and end of line test
- STTE end ATE systems employed in production end maintenance
If possible, COTS components are used, to gain cost cuts and long maintenance lifecycles. When specialized functionalities are required, and no viable commercial solutions can be pursued, custom components may be integrated.
Typical HW components, frameworks and tools we use, are listed:
HW devices | Frameworsks | Tools |
Standalone HW Instruments | Visual Studio, .Net | Doors |
PXI, VXI systems | CVI LabWindows | Vector Suite |
I/O analog digital board | LabView, LabView RT | TestStand |
Matrix and relay boards | Matlab / Simulink | Veristand |
I/F and measurement boards |
Simulation Systems
Each stage of a product life cycle can be associated with one or more Model-Based Design techniques, as shown in figure and listed:
- MIL (Model In the Loop)
- SIL (Software In the Loop)
- HIL (Hardware In the Loop)
- Rapid Prototyping
- TOP (Test On Plant)
For each of the listed phases, Skytechnology can design and validate a functional model like that showed in figure, typically composed by the whole or part of the following components:
- Controller
- Plant/DUT
- Disturbance
- Stimulus
In many markets, we have experienced projects to design and deploy HW/SW Systems into which the Plant or DUT are modelled. Following are listed the activities we have developed to achieve the goal:
- design and implementation of non linear functional models of the Plant or DUT
- tracking the functional System Requirements straight on the models
- simulation, through the model, of the interface response in order to design the physical interfaces between the test bench System and the Device Under Test
- design of the Functional Test Plan and Procedure, automatically checking the coverage and evaluating the quality and density of test for each system module
- MIL, HIL and SIL testing approach, and Rapid Prototyping analysis